This is one of the places in Upper Bavaria that I most like to go. It's called Bayrischzell, and is just north of the Austrian border. It's an ideal destination for both skiing in winter and hiking and parasailing in every other season. The church is a focal point of the little village and a very popular place for marriages.
The interior of the church is very baroque. Not my favourite style, but beautiful nonetheless.
The Fresco is the best part of the church's interior. Beautiful, eh?
It's not fog. We're at a high enough altitude that these are low-flying clouds.
There's been a lot of rain during this trip, but one of the advantages was this very clear rainbow after a particularly rainy day.
According to the sign, this is the Petershof Weinstüberl (wine bar), but I think it's simply a private residence now.
There are countless waterfalls here, but this is the one you almost have to pass going up Wendelstein.
Wendelstein has a weather station, a restaurant and it's own little church. This mountain looks down on most everything happening in the little village.
This was the Blaskapelle leading the parade through town on Fronleichnam (Corpus Christi). Bavarians have more holidays than any other Federal State in Germany. For most city folk that means having a lie-in and enjoying the day off. For small towns, the community often spends the holiday in church and in communal celebration.
The town's dignitaries and the police
The ladies in their Dirndl (some really don't look happy at all).
And the gents in their traditional Jackets and Lederhosen.
This is the Schützenverein, which is a very important part of the social fabric of aGerman town. Rather than me go on and on about it, here's what Wikipedia has to say.
The Blaskapelle playing at the end of the parade, before they can go inside and have a well-earned Bier.
And here's a shot of the little village from above:
The church is in the foreground a bit left of centre, the pool is over on the right, and the train station (and tracks) are up above on the way out of town.
And finally : taking us back to Munich is the Bayerische Oberlandbahn (the BOB).
If you'd like to know more about Bayrischzell, here's the information on Wikipedia: Bayrischzell (in German).